Monday, May 11, 2009

Parents and Kids Out to Save Teacher Jobs

Literally, parents and kids are walking out on strike this Friday, May 15! There's a group of parents who are boiling mad about what's happening in the Los Angeles School District (LAUSD) -- the pink slips, cuts, funding or I should say, the lack thereof. Maybe they can't save my art job, but they sure want to try. They are standing up for their kids and their school experience.

Here's what they're doing -- they're setting up lemonade stands around the city. If you see one, stop! Buy! Support! Protest! The goal is to get one up in front of every school on Friday afternoons until LAUSD changes. Started by three angry moms, they're taking a stand.

If you want to hear about this in person, head to Balboa Park in Encino on Friday morning at 10:00 a.m. If you can't make that event, support the lemonade initiative. A yummy, kid-based protest!!