Saturday, September 12, 2009

Arts in Crisis Symposium

Last June there was the excellent LA Arts Town Hall Meeting that brought together artists, art educators, and the foundations who fund the arts in the region and state. The people on the panels and keynote speakers were great, even if the topic under discussion was extremely sober.

Now another opportunity for the arts community to come together has been announced. Arts in Crisis: A Kennedy Center Initiative 50 State Tour will make its southern CA stop at the African American Museum on October 8 from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Registration must be received by October 6. Follow this link to register.

One aspect this event will address is the emergency fundraising challenges art non-profits are facing.

Co-sponsors for this event include: Native Voices at the Autry National Center, East West Players, California African American Museum, KUSC, Lula Washington Dance Theatre, LA Stage Alliance, California Arts Advocates, Emerging Arts Leaders/LA and Santa Cecilia Orchestra.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The First Day of School

Amid the happy excited voices and hugs for old friends, kids return to some schools this week without any sort of art program. It's tough times for Los Angeles public schools. Although teachers are under even more pressure, it's still possible to create a classroom atmosphere conducive to creative thought and expression.

The atmosphere needed to promote creative growth is not the same as that required to memorizing math facts or spelling words. To learn math or spelling, the child has to concentrate and get past any feelings of dislike. He's dependent on the teacher for direction, and validity as to doing it right. Art is the opposite. It's about emotion, taking initiative. It's not memorization that's needed, but inventiveness, and independent thinking. The teacher can't be looking for the one right answer.

Teachers should be able to switch gears. It's more nebulous to nurture the creative spirit, but it's done through accepting and rewarding it. Children are usually good about pursuing self-directed activity, they just need the opportunity. The key behavior for the adult is being warm and friendly -- gee, those are the qualities we want expressed around kids anyway!

Even a teacher who doesn't feel like he/she has any artistic ability can't use that as an excuse for not providing opportunity for her students to develop their own (but everyone has creativity just like anything else that needs practice). The fear for such a teacher is that she thinks she has to teach her kids how to draw. But kids will figure that out. All the teacher has to do is let them draw part of the curriculum instead of filling out a worksheet. Providing a "right brain" activity during the school day gives the kids some balance -- and even some relief -- from the totally left brain environment of school.