Friday, September 26, 2008

Who Will Fund Future Innovation Training in Schools?

There's an interesting block of voters emerging that link the issue of US innovation, creativity, and arts funding for the schools. They've been nicknamed "Imagine Nation." A survey of 1000 voters was taken in December 2007. It uncovered a preference towards candidates that support funding for the arts in education. The school reform they're pushing for is one that meets the demand for creative thinkers able to compete in the 21st century global economy. It gave me hope to read that "73% of voters believe that education in and through the arts is just as important as the so-called "basics." Only 19% of respondents feel the US is ahead in innovation. Check out the website

If you'd like to know how your states' legislators have voted in the past on bills related to the arts, there's a score card maintained at It's behind the times, but you can see the trends.

What stands out starkly nationally is the huge number of Republicans scoring a "D" or "F." I must note an A+ for one Republican in NY, who voted 100% for the arts. He must be a maverick! Nearly every Democrat earned an "A" or "B," with many voting 100%. It's clear that Republicans have gutted attempts to bridge the widening "creativity gap" our economy is experiencing going up against other nations. If this is an issue that would determine your support for a candidate or party, take a look at that website. If you don't like what's become of American education, or the state of our creative economy, there's something to consider in these voting records.

In CA, here's the shakedown of our legislators:
Democrat / Republican
A+ (100%) 9 ----A+ 0
A 15 ------------ A 1
B 9 --------------B 2
C 2 --------------C 3
D 0 --------------D 6
F 0 --------------F 6

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