Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Call is Getting Louder to Embrace Creativity Education in Schools

Another call from an expert to reinstate arts to the schools. Sir Ken Robinson says its imperative to make us competitive in the 21st century. Apparently, the Brits have injected a billion dollars into their education system to improve the teaching of creativity. Singapore, South Korea, and China are reinventing their teaching strategies and testing -- opting instead to emphasize the teaching of creativity. They've decided that curriculum based solely to satisfy test scores is counterproductive to innovation. Ahem!

We can't lag so far behind! That would definitely be a creative disconnect. After all, wasn't it the alarm sounded 25 years ago by the report "A Nation at Risk" comparing our students' test scores against these same countries that sent us in our current direction? We've now arrived at this incredibly intense testing frenzy as if it's going to get our country ahead ... and what has it really gotten us? If we don't pay attention to what the rest of the world is now doing, we're off in left field. We need to be in the right field, providing more right brain education.

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