Friday, February 20, 2009

"Burning Moms" on Fire to Change Schools

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the Power of ONE can move mountains. Meet Spike Dolomite Ward, the founder and director of Arts in Education Aid Council. Her passion to have art for her own kids in school has inspired her to bring art to as many San Fernando Valley students as possible. I work at one of those schools. She's positively impacting thousands of young lives with the kind of education they crave.

Spike is one of those "burning moms," a group of moms on fire to change LAUSD's culture and assault on the arts. In fact, these moms -- under the tutelage of radio personality Sandra Tsing Lo -- have created a support/activist group. They are also planning their second Million Mom March to the state capitol in June. Art educators -- art lovers -- support them!

Meet some moms who are fired up:

(if you look closely, there's shot of some of my student artwork -- a San Fernando Valley still life)

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