Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Art Education is on the Minds of Some Famous Folks

With the National Endowment for the Arts in the news due to its small portion of the stimulus package -- and being the ever-favorite punching bag of some politicos -- the LA Times ran a fun survey. They asked 30 famous faces what they'd do if they were in charge of the agency. Of course, my personal favorites are those who zero in on art education: Phylicia Rashad, Tim Robbins, and Joel Wachs all said they'd put art back into the schools. Well, if those aren't the smartest celebs on the block -- sign them up. I hear the chair of the NEA is open! Hire one of them please, as my teaching job is in jeopardy!

Yes, the grant funding my teaching program at an at-risk school has dried up suddenly. Friday the 13th is "Wear Pink" day in the Los Angeles School District -- as that's the day thousands of colleagues will receive their pink slips. I've already made a little button to wear, "I Got Mine, How About You?" At least those teachers can earn to the end of the year. My job ends now in three weeks. This financial mess has definitely gotten personal!

Anyway, catch the article here, and click on your favorite famous face to read their comments.

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