Monday, January 12, 2009

March on Washington, D.C. in March

Okay, I realize Obama's inauguration is still a week away, and here I am advertising the Arts Advocacy Day planned for March 31. If you aren't one of the lucky millions heading to the capital on January 20, then go when it's less crowded! Arts Advocacy Day will be important, and you'll actually get to meet some Washington, D.C. bigwigs. You'll be able to get a hotel room, too!

Now, the idea is to visit your congressional members and push for funding for the arts and art education. An army of support is needed to peg every single one of them. There will even be a "Lobbying 101" workshop to attend on March 30 to make sure everybody is effectively engaging their state's delegation.

Sound fun? Sound important? That's why I'm telling you now so you can make your travel arrangements. It'll be spring break, so don't wait until the last minute.

Check out the details here:

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