Thursday, January 29, 2009

Please May I Have a Sliver of the Economic Recovery Pie?

A perennially grumpy loser of the election greeted me with a comment that got me thinking: since he believes the Economic Recovery Plan was filled with pork for just about everybody and anything, I'd probably get some of that wasteful $5o million earmarked for the arts. Well yes, I would like that! Could "trickle down" economics finally work for me?

Let me assure you that the arts organizations give a lot of bang for their bucks. They are expert at squeezing as much worth as they can from what they're given -- trying to touch as many lives as possible. Artists and the creative community do with very little, but give far more in return.

I am most fortunate to work part-time for an arts organization solely funded by grant monies from foundations and individuals who believe that arts education in the schools is a fundamental necessity. I work alongside all the teachers at a school, teaching hundreds of students -- putting in the same school day, arrive an hour ahead for prep and stay an hour or more afterward to clean up, commute 30 miles, have a master's degree in education -- yet I do not receive a salary that covers my rent, pay a whopping self-employment tax, receive no benefits, retirement, or health insurance. Even so, I love sharing with students how to use their creative skills that will ultimately lead to a successful work experience for them.

Yep, I'd like a slice of that stimulus package to be able to continue stimulating all those little minds.

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