Sunday, June 21, 2009

Art Education: the Antidote to Pharma Prescriptions for Kids

There's a natural way to elevate kids' moods that doesn't require a drop of drugs -- it's art!! Yes, art is an antidote to big Pharma's hold on the childhood of too many kids. Art-making is a brain activity that transports anyone to the "zone" -- that amazing place where time seems to disappear, and one's mood is raised to a different level than could ever be achieved through drugs. You can't run out of this mood-enhancer. And it's cheap, if not entirely free. ADHD? No problem. Art is kinesthetic because it's doing. Doesn't matter if there's a "popcorn" kid (one who's up and down out of their seat) in the class, because they can do their art standing up.

Art certainly offers a viable alternative to the prison pipeline we've got going now. It's quite shocking that we spend more on building new prisons than schools! We currently have 1% of the US population locked up -- more than other country in the world. And what are the majority of people in prison for? Drug offenses. Does anybody else see a corollary here?

Kids are naturally wired for art in its many, many forms. Drugs can't replace this deep need. Kids don't lose interest in hands-on, brain-based education; quite the contrary, their hearts, hands, and minds are totally engaged.

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