Monday, June 8, 2009

L.A. Town Hall Meeting About the Arts

Friday, June 12th, art educators, artists, and arts organization leaders will be streaming into downtown LA for a town hall meeting at the Japanese American Cultural Center. The sorry state of arts funding is sure to be on everyone's mind. This all-day event will be exploring arts advocacy. The roster of speakers certainly have years of experience to share.

Even if you can't attend, check out to see what's happening. There have been events, petitions, rallies, and protests around the state -- and even at school board meetings. Since artists are used to problem-solving in all aspects of creating and teaching, you have to believe that this dire situation we find ourselves mired in can be turned around -- creatively!

One of the cool things experienced when working through the creative process is watching chaos begin to form into order. And then discovering how all the pieces come together once the solution becomes evident. Surely, the same is true for our present crisis. The solutions may not be evident now, but the creative process sets about working on them even when we're not fully aware of doing so. The "right brain" techniques used by artists a great deal of their time can't be made to produce on a specific time table -- it's not like a "left brain" function such as adding two numbers together to get the same predictable answer every time, anytime. Ah, that's a major reason why citizens need to be taught through the arts: they need to know how to problem-solve -- especially in situations where there is no one right answer to be found!

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