Saturday, January 9, 2010

Help Save ARTS EDUCATION in Los Angeles!

Got two minutes? Dash off a letter to a LAUSD board member. If the link below doesn't work, copy and paste it into your browser. There's an advocacy meeting coming up January 14.

LAUSD is the second largest school district in the country. It took ten years to build an art program in the district, and it's about to be gutted in the blink of an eye. The arts partners were cut last year. I got two weeks' notice and was gone by spring break before the year was over. Some weren't so lucky and got the ax that Christmas.

This year the plan is to cut half the elementary art teachers, and by the next year the rest will be eliminated.

And that's in the most creative city in the country! Don't you think other districts will follow suit? How are your children supposed to be educated to get a job in this creative economy?

The goal is to generate 700 letters to the LAUSD School Board in the next 30 days. The district had been leading the way to reinstating arts education. Can we afford to see this gutted at the dawn of a new decade when we see China rising and poised to overtake the US through its support of its own innovative and entreprenuerial enterprises? Educating creative thinkers is the key to USA prosperity in the 21st century.

Please add your voice to the campaign immediately!

This is an urgent advocacy notice from Arts For LA, who's hit the ground running on this issue:

Here's the link to the to the LAUSD school board members:

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