Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolution for Creativity

As my busy schedule careened through December, I did not have a chance to write on any of my three blogs for over a month. I couldn't show favoritism and write one and not the others. Too many interests to pursue. I wish I had a single purpose, but like many creative-types, I have fingers in too many pies. My goal is to get back to writing about art, art-making, and the importance of teaching creativity to kids on this blog.

We did make one really great decision in December, which was actually prompted by the need to slow down and catch our breath. We enjoyed a stay-cation in Los Angeles. With everything this city has to offer, including lovely winter weather, it seemed crazy to fight the crowds to fly somewhere else. It was very nourishing to replenish my own creative juices in writing and art, and to plan for student art lessons for the next trimester. It does take a lot to juggle seven grade levels!

I felt the need to connect with some of the creative engine that fuels Los Angeles. The 30 year retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art, a tour of innovative Disney Hall, and the grandeur of the Rose Parade floats sure helped! So did a trip to the snow, the desert, and researching historical sites for a tv show I'm pitching. No wonder we love Los Angeles. The individual threads woven by creative people into a tapestry of art experiences, coupled with the natural beauty is a magical elixir.

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