Saturday, January 16, 2010

One Million License Plates for the Arts

Aside from the current CA budget crisis, historically California's per capita state investment in the arts is the LOWEST in the nation. I just cannot reconcile that lack of investment considering what a powerhouse of talent the state attracts and grows. Creativity is a powerful economic engine, but then you've heard me say that over and over.

Here's one way you can help correct this ridiculous situation -- purchase an Arts License Plate for one or more vehicles. The State Franchise Tax Board has now officially declared these plates to be tax-deductible! In turn, 60% of each sale funds the California Arts Council. That's where the majority of arts funding comes from -- the sale of license plates designed by Wayne Thiebaud (who my brother-in-law had as a teacher at UC Davis!). We could turn around this dismal situation of arts-funding by putting a million license plates on the road.

That's the campaign launched by the California Arts Council. One million new arts license plates on California vehicles will bring an additional $40 million for the Arts Council's work. That action would turn around the dire lack of funding to make CA one of the best-funded arts environments of any state.

Check out the website and order an ART LVR license plate today!

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